OSDC 於 2010年 3/26, 3/27 舉辦, 在此將會議聽到的做點紀錄.
OSDC 相關資料
- OSDC 2011 的 Schedule 與 投影片 皆於此頁: OSDC 2011
- OSDC 2011 Videos - OSDC 錄影影片
OSDC 2011 筆記
Jui-Nan Lin (PIXNET) - HandlerSocket - A NoSQL plugin for MySQL
- 優點
- 會寫 binlog, 所以可以做 replication (所以可以做備份)
- No duplicate cache
- PPT: HandlerSocket - A NoSQL plugin for MySQL
- A NoSQL interface for MySQL
- libhsclient (app) -> HandlerSocket Plugin (mysqld)
- (app)libmysql -> (mysqld) Listener for libmysql -> SQL Layer
- 架構圖 HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL
- Memcached + MysQL, Cassandra, Apache CouchDB, Amazon SimpleDB
- NoSQL 好處: Scalable, Fast
- NoSQL 缺點: 不穩定 + Cassandra at Twitter Today - Twitter 放棄 Cassandra
- MySQL 非常 stable, HandlerSocket 支援 NoSQL interface for MySQL
- HandlerSocket 750,000qps, MySQL 在同樣硬體, 100,000 qps.
7.5x faster than original MySQL. - Why Handler Socket is fast? => MYSQLparse(void*), my_pthread_fastmutex_lock (這兩個慢)
- HandlerSocket 只有對有 index 得條件才能做 Query, 不需要 Open + locking table, 也不用決定要怎麼去用 index, 建立 tmp table, 不需要 unlock table.
- HandlerSocket 做了什麼? Plain text-based protocol (可 telnet 進去 debug)
- Keep table open for reuse
- 只允許 Query 一定要用 index, 但是可以用 limit 等 range query.
- PHP: php-handlersocket
- Java: hs4j
- Python: python-handler-socket
- Ruby: ruby-handlersocket
- Perl: Net::HandlerSocket
- Read 和 Write port 要分開來開
- 設定 my.cnf
- handlersocket_port = 9998 # for reading
- handlersocket_port_wr = 9999 # for writing
- handlersocket_threads = 16 # reader threads (threads 固定), 建議 同 CPU 數
- handlersocket_threads_wr = 1
- 缺點
- 不夠安全 (沒有帳號、密碼機制)
- 寫入時, 不會 update MySQL Query Cache (會讀到舊得資料, 不過據說已經修好)
- 沒有 INSERT .. ON DUPLICATED KEY UPDATE ... 得功能不 support MySQL auto_increment. (原作者說已經修好了)
- Q: Write 效能如何
- 於 Ram disk test: 10萬 QPS(Write), 75萬 QPS (Read)
- 一般 disk test: MySQL 1萬 QPS (Write), 10萬 QPS (Read)
- Q: 同時 Write + Read 沒有 Lock, 不會有問題嗎? 會不會讀到舊得資料?
- HandlerSocket 下面接得是 Handler Interface, 所以不會讀到舊得資料.
- InnoDB 會保證是 Transaction 完成後讀到的內容, 不會讀到舊得資料.
- Q: 寫入時, 不會 update MySQL Query Cache (會讀到舊得資料, 不過據說已經修好)
- (目前, 若使用 SQL Write, 就不會有這個問題.)
- Q: 寫入硬碟得 process 會不會不同
- HandlerSocket 與 InnoDB 溝通, 所以 InnoDB 負責此部份, HandlerSocket 不管.
- Q: Read port, Write port
- Maybe 寫 server 程式比較方便 (使用 epoll), read / write thread 是分開得.
- Q: openIndex 第一個參數
- 1 => resource id, 在此 session 要用此 index.
- Q: 支援 transation
- no.
- Q: 資料存放在哪邊?
- 資料是透過 Handler Interface 做存取, 所以後面不管格式是如何, 要看 Table 是用何種格式. (InnoDB, MyISAM)
- Q: 備份
- 可以使用 mysQLdump, snapshop, mktable sync, mytable checksum 都可以用.
Benjamin Reed (Yahoo!) - Apache ZooKeeper: Taming Distributed Systems
- Research
- Research Labas Around the Globe
- Cloud Computing
- Elastic - size changes dynamically
- Scale - large number of services
- Fallacies 錯誤觀念
- The network is relable.
- Latency is zero.
- Bandwidth is infinite.
- 一般常見的分散式系統 (Classic Distributed System)
- 1 Master -> n Slave
- 可容忍錯誤的分散式系統 (Fault Tolerant Distributed System)
- (Master(1A) + Master(1B)) => Coordination Service, Master (1B) -> nSlave
- 可容忍錯誤的分散式系統 (Fault Tolerant Distributed System)
- (Master(1A) + Master(1B)) => Coordination Service, Coordination Service -> n Slave
- Coordination Service -> n Worker
- What is coordination?
- Group membership
- Leader election
- Dynamic Configuration
- Status monitoring
- Queuing
- Barriers
- Critical sections
- Serializable vs Linearizability
- Linearizable writes
- Serializable read
- Client FIFO ordering
- Order + wait-free + change events = coordination
- http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/
- ZooKeeper API
- create, delete, setData, getData, exists, getChildren, sync(), setACL,getACL
- services -> YaView -> workers - worker1, worker2 (Ephemerals created by Session X)
- services -> YaView -> locks (s-1) (Sequence appended on create)
- **Leader**
- ZooKeeper Servers
- *Leader* Server -> n server, 1 server -> n cliecnt
- 2007 開始 ZooKeeper project
- 2008 一到 apache as Hadoop subproject
- 2010 成為 Apache Top Level porject - ZooKeeper
- Conclusions
- Distributed system are alive and well
- There is a lot of work to do
- Open Source is a great way to build your infrastructure
- Open Source is a great way to build your reputation
hychen - Use command line tool in Python
- PPT: Use command line tool in Python
- Github: ucltip
- apt-get install vim -t maverick
- 轉換成
- apt_get.install('vim', t='maverick')
xdite - Rapid Development in Rails
- PPT: Rapid Development in Rails
- Rapid Development with Rails
- DRY / Agile / Rapid
- Rails 3 > Django > Rails 2 > Zend > Symfony >>> CakePHP
- Rapid = 穩定迅速產出正確的產品
- Rapid Development => Team Development
- 消除合作成本
- 消除學習成本
- 過去的自己 + 現在的自己 = Team
- Open source plugin + 自己 = Team
- Vesrion control everything
- Git
- db migration
- Rails package management = Gemfile
- deployment = Capistrano (rollback back each build easily)
- Automake Everything
- Capistrano auto deployment + Deploy VMS
- Compress -> 用 Ruby 寫 CSS
- CoffeeScript -> 用 Ruby 寫 JavaScript
- Query Reviwer
ihower - Introduction to RSpec
- ppt + viemo: RSpec 演講投影片和示範影片
- PPT: Introduction to RSpec
- Mocks Arent Stubs
- RSpec Mocks => 假物件 (Stub)
- * 測試物件之間的行為
- 物件導向 是 物件和物件之間的互動
- 1 Target Object -> n Collaborator
- Collaborator 無法控制回傳值得外部物件
- 建構正確的回傳質很麻煩
- 可能很慢, 拖慢測試速度
- Stub 回傳設定好的回傳值
- stub("user"), 用來測試最後的狀態
- Mock: 如果沒被呼叫到, 就算測試失敗 - *用來測試行為的發生*
- Partial mocking and stubbing
- 一般測試流程 vs Mock 測試流程
- Given -> When -> Then
- Given -> Excepet -> Then
- * Classical Testing vs Mockist Testing
- 你先決定你要完成的範圍, 然後實做這個範圍的所有物件
- TDD 搭配 Integration Test, 會用比較多的 stub 和 mock
- rcov 測試涵蓋度 (看還有哪些可以在寫測試)
- Capybara 模擬瀏覽器行為
- * 怎樣寫好測試
- 一個 it 裡面只有一種測試目的
- 不要測 Private methods (測試 Public method 就可以涵蓋到測試了)
- (Private method 只在這個 class 跑, 測 Public 就可以了, 只有 Public 會用到 Private)
- 透過抽象化介面來測試 (Searcher 測試 HTTParty, Search... 統一都叫 Searcher (抽象化))
- 1. Isolation
- 2. 盡量用較穩定的介面來進行測試
- 測試你最擔心出錯得部份, 不要等待完美的測試
- 每當接獲一個 Bug, 就要寫一個測試來看
Chia-liang Kao - trading with opensource tools, two years later
- AnyMQ : Message system
- Protovs (javascript 畫圖)
- EC2 Monitor
yappo - Groonga, full text search engine
- Yappo
- 1997 -> use grep 當 search engine
- japanese search engine
- Kakasi => 日文斷詞.
- KAKASHI 詞素解析
- MeCab: Yet Another Part-of-speech and Morphological analysis system.
- n-gram
- Japan Search engine
- Namazu http://www.namazu.org
- HyperEstraier http://fallabs.com/hyperestraier
- Rast http://projects.netlab.jp/rast/
- Senna http://qwik.jp/senna/ (mysql full text search)
- tritonn http://qwik.jp/tritonn/
- Lucene is not domestic in japan.
- Groonga http://groonga.org (Senna 開發者新作)
- groonga daemon (HTTP, memecached protocol, groonga protocol)
- suitable for embedding
- geolocation search
gugod - Same but different
- Gugod 銘言
- 規格一直改, 時程估不對, 報價報太少, 好像沒下班
- 專案似無涯, 待辦如坑儒, 日日勤食蟲, 勿使時程誤
- 規格本無樹, 時程亦未艾, 工程無實務, 報酬何處來
- 個人開發者也是有團隊合作,這個團隊是由過去、現在、未來的自己組成
Yoshinori TAKESAKO (Tokyo/Japan) - takesako: x86 ASCII programming (16bit/32bit/64bit)
- 講者 Blog: wafful.org - Web Security Blog
- Developer Security. http://namazu.org/~takesako/
- string-based DSL + Fast Parser
- ASCII programming - 轉換, 7個字元 對應 msam 加法/減法器
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jES7pkENQ9c
- http://www.namazu.org/~takesako/
- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/masutaro/20080128/1201507016
- http://www.namazu.org/~takesako/ppencode/demo.html
Jonathan Worthington - Inside A Compiler
- Source Code -> Parsing -> Parse Tree (more trees built here) -> Code Generation -> Cod In Target Language
- AST - argument list
Scott Chacon - Contributing with Git : Reducing the frictions of Open Source collaboration with the Git VCS (github)
- PPT: Contributing with Git
- Snapshots, not Patchs
- 比對最後一次修改
- Commit A
- c3d README.txt
- f13 hello.c
- -> 取 c3d
- Commit B
- c3d README.txt
- 6d4 hello.c
- -> 取 6d4
- Commit C
- c3d README.txt
- 6d4 hello.c
- -> 取 6d4
- git diff --check
- git add --patch
- git fetch
- git merge origin/master
- git push origin master
- # push branch
- git checkout -b iss53 31b8;
- git commit;
- git push origin iss53
- git fetch # origin/iss53
- # git rebase
- git merge master
- git rebase master
- git diff c2 c3 > 2-3.patch
- 1-2.patch
- 2-3.patch
- (rebase) c2' -> c3' -> c5 (master)
- # Mail
- git rebase origin/master
- git checkout my-top-branch
- git format-patch -M origin/master
- 0001-..
- 0002-...
- git send-email *.patch
- # preson repo
- git push public
- # 多個 developer 的 repo 統一彙整
- git remote add nick git://github.com/nickh/project.git
- git remote add jess git://github.com/jessick/project.git
- git fetch nick # nick branch
- git fetch jess # jess branch
- #my repo
- public/master
- nick/master
- jess/master
- master
- git merge nick/master jess/master
- git push public
- # Requesting pull
- git remote add upstream git://github.com/fabpot/symfony.git
- git fetch upstream
- git rebase upstream/master
- git push origin my_feature
- git checkout -b my_feature
- git commit; commit...
- git fetch upstream # => Contact the Maintainer
- git request-pull
- git request-pull upstream/master origin
- # Accepting a Pull request
- 2 options
- - Add tham as a remote
- git remote add scott git://github.com/schacon/symfony.git
- git fetch scott
- git merge scott/my_feature
- - One-time pull
- git pull git@github.com:schacon/symfony.git my_feature
- - Add tham as a remote
- # Online Pull Requests (in github)
- resource
- contribgit.heroku.com
- git-scm.com
- gitref.org
- progit.org (char 5)
Roger Dingledine - Tor and censorship: lessons learned
- https://torproject.org
- https://bridges.torproject.org/
The Path to Pass into PaaS - Jeffhung
Lightning talk
- Let's use Xslate - Fuji, Goro (gfx) gfuji@gmail.com
- Xslate is template engine for Perl5.
- template engine
- Template::Toolkit
- HTML::Template
- Mason
- Text::MicroTemplate
- Xslate si the best
- Automatic HTML escaping by default
- Safe: Smart Escaping
- Use
- Perl6-link syntax
- TT2-like syntax
- Readable error messages
- perldoc Text::Xslate
- 2011/7/22~23 - HIT - hitcon 2011
- Next Generation Online Game Cloud Zillians = Mark 小迪克
- Cassandra 不穩定
- 自由軟體讓你五分鐘上新聞
- Scala
- Splurk + SWT
- We Like LunaTerm - Android BBS Terminal
- PPT: http://ppt.cc/Pcpa
- https://github.com/albb0920/LunaTerm
- (按讚 內容自動顯示的 extension)
- $4 http://about.me/fourdollars
- Debian installer 自動安裝
- boot: auto url=fd.idv.tw
- boot: 輸入 "auto url=fd.idv.tw"
- 有 dhcp 的環境, 40mins 就可以裝完
- fbterm -i fbterm_ucimf
- Fred - ibus-chewing 新酷音, 單純注音
- ibus-chewing 單純注音模式 - OSDC.tw 2011 Lightening Talk
- ibus 注音根本沒正常過
- 救星: ibus-chewing
- patch 已經上 Debain upstream
- Coscup 8/20~21
- pi * z * z * a
- 1000人, 每分鐘 15.0008人
- 1000/15 = 66.666 分鐘爆滿
- 五月徵稿 - Gadgets beyon smartphones
- 七月報名
- coscup.org