Ubuntu 24.x 遇到 Failed to start gdm.service 修復

Ubuntu Linux 24.x 突然遇到 Xwindow 無法進入,看到下述訊息:

  • Failed to start GNOME Display Manager

  • Failed to start gdm.service


Ubuntu Linux 24.x 遇到 Failed to start gdm.service 修復

原本一直以為是 GDM3 有問題,結果重新安裝 gdm3,或者直接換成 lxdm,如下:

  • apt install --reinstall gdm3
  • apt install lxdm

就算重新安裝、甚至更換 lxdm 了,一樣是開機卡死~~

後來去查原因,看到可能是 fuse 的問題 (之前為了使用 Cursor,所以安裝 fuse,結果太久沒重開機,不曉得會有這個問題)


  1. apt remove fuse # 若真的需要,可以安裝 fuse3 試試看
  2. apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop
    • 註:理論上應該是 remove fuse 就可以了,不過當時這兩步驟都有做,所以先留紀錄
  3. reboot

主要是參考此篇:Ubuntu fails to boot due to GNOME display manager error

  • Had this issue with Ubuntu 24.04. Turns out that I installed fuse which removed ubuntu-session. All is well till you reboot and cant get past the stop plymouth start gdm part of boot.
  • If you do need fuse install fuse3 apt install fuse3
  • No clue why fuse2 is still available and is the die


Tsung: 對新奇的事物都很有興趣, 喜歡簡單的東西, 過簡單的生活.
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