
Gmailfs 拿來當自己系統的 hd... 會有什麼感想呢??... :p
GmailFS - Gmail Filesystem

Download gmailfs.tar.gz. After untarring, copy gmailfs.py to somewhere easily accessible (for example, /usr/local/bin/gmailfs.py).
Copy mount.gmailfs to /sbin/mount.gmailfs. This is a modified version of mount.fuse distributed with FUSE 1.3.
再 mount 即可..
mount.gmailfs /usr/local/bin/gmailfs.py /mnt/gmailfs -o username=gmailuser, password=gmailpass, fsname=zOlRRa
kernel 要有支援 fusk 的 module (檔案格式)...
不過 看要 fuck 的 module 時還要再 make 一次kernel....
先暫時放棄這 1G 好了... XD

Tsung: 對新奇的事物都很有興趣, 喜歡簡單的東西, 過簡單的生活.