
對於學習的認知, 大家都是想說要專注某個主題, 連續的學習, UCLA 學習和遺忘實驗室主任 Robert Bjork 說: 這是錯誤的.


  • 與其要花連續一段時間學習某個項目, 會建議在掌握此項目之前, 就先轉向另外一件事情, 這樣比較有挑戰性, 於是就會在不知不覺中進步.
  • 簡單說, 就是定好時間, 嚴格執行, 就算還沒看完, 就先丟著. 下一次在回來重新學習, 效果可能會比較好~

學習和遺忘實驗室主任 宣稱 目前學習習慣的常識都是錯誤的

下述摘錄自此篇: 教授稱學習習慣的常識都是錯誤的

UCLA 學習和遺忘實驗室主任 Robert Bjork



下述摘錄自此篇: Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong

First, he told me, think about how you attack a pile of study material.

“People tend to try to learn in blocks,” Bjork said. “Mastering one thing before moving on to the next.”

Instead of doing that Bjork recommends interleaving. The strategy suggest that instead of spending an hour working on your tennis serve, you mix in a range of skills like backhands, volleys, overhead smashes, and footwork.

“This creates a sense of difficulty,” Bjork said. “And people tend not to notice the immediate effects of learning.”

Instead of making an appreciable leap forward with your serving ability after a session of focused practice, interleaving forces you to make nearly imperceptible steps forward with many skills. But over time, the sum of these small steps is much greater than the sum of the leaps you would have taken if you’d spent the same amount of time mastering each skill in its turn.



Tsung: 對新奇的事物都很有興趣, 喜歡簡單的東西, 過簡單的生活.
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