Open Source 的軟體在使用,盡量要挑熱門的、有在維護的套件。(避免挑到冷門的,後續沒人維護會比較麻煩)
好站 - Debian Linux 查詢套件熱門程度的網站
Debian 提供此網站的查詢工具可以參考:
- 在 Packages 輸入想要比對的套件名稱,用 "," 隔開,下面那些看要不要勾選,可隨意選擇(我都直接 Submit Go! 即可)。
- Apache2 和 Nginx 的比對:Apache2 VS Nginx - Popularity Contest Statistics
- installed: is the sum of the four categories below:
- vote: is the number of people who use this package regularly
- old: is the number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly
- recent-ctime: is the number of people who upgraded this package recently
- no-files: is the number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime and ctime were 0).
看選項來說,這個工具應該是每次安裝好 Debian 的系統後,都會詢問是否要提供匿名的資料回報之類的,選可以的話,應該就會納入此網站的統計吧?