PHP 免費線上電子書 - Practical PHP Programming

PHP 免費的線上電子書, 這本應該不算是入門, 比較偏中上程度適合閱讀, 裡面也有提到如何寫 PHP extensions 的 Hello world 版.

Practical PHP Programming 電子書

線上文件: Practical PHP Programming


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing PHP
  3. Simple variables and operators
  4. Functions
  5. Arrays
  6. Objects
  7. HTML Forms
  8. Files
  9. Databases
  10. Cookies and Sessions
  11. Multimedia
  12. XML & XSLT
  13. Output Buffering
  14. Java and COM
  15. Networks
  16. Miscellaneous topics
  17. Security concerns
  18. Performance
  19. Writing PHP
  20. Writing extensions
  21. Alternative PHP uses
  22. Practical PHP
  23. Bringing it to a close
  24. Answers to Exercises
  25. The future of PHP
  26. Glossary

作者: Tsung

對新奇的事物都很有興趣, 喜歡簡單的東西, 過簡單的生活.

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