load averages 的 意義

轉載自: Linux下Top命令中load averages的涵義
top displays a variety of information about the processor state. The
display is updated every 5 seconds by default, but you can change that
with the d command-line option or the s interactive command.
This line displays the time the system has been up, and the three
load averages for the system. The load averages are the average
number of process ready to run during the last 1, 5 and 15 min-
This line is just like the output of uptime(1). The uptime
display may be toggled by the interactive l command.

閱讀全文〈load averages 的 意義〉

Linux 加速(拿 RAM 當硬碟)

參考 幫Linux掛Turbo加速
RamDisk for BSD
最主要是 巧用TMPFS加速Linux伺服器 這篇讓我最感興趣 🙂
典型的 tmpfs 文件系統會完全駐留在 RAM 中.
sudo mkdir /dev/shm/tmp
sudo chmod 1777 /dev/shm/tmp
sudo mkdir /ram
sudo mount --bind /dev/shm/tmp /ram
以後開機記得執行最後那 mount --bind /dev/shm/tmp /ram 就可以了.

閱讀全文〈Linux 加速(拿 RAM 當硬碟)〉