我本身是用一般注音的, 但是有不少人需要安裝 無蝦米/嘸蝦米, 上星期幫忙裝了二台, 還是寫簡易安裝法, 以後安裝才方便.
首先第一步需要先找到 liu55.cin(因有版權問題, 不提供下載), 再來就做以下的事情.
以下參考自 SCIM+嘸蝦米(以下是照此文章, 再做些自己的心得而成, 有些詳細內容還是參考原文比較清楚):
- iconv -f cp950 -t utf-8 liu55.cin > liu55.cin.utf8 # 先把 big5 -> utf-8(依各自環境而定)
- 然後將 liu55.cin.utf8 的檔頭做修改(字碼表之前的全部清空), 改成如下
### File header must not be modified
### This file must be encoded into UTF-8.
### This file comes from xcin module.
VERSION_1_0### Begin Table definition.
BEGIN_DEFINITION### An unique id to distinguish this table among others.
### Use uuidgen to generate this kind of id.
UUID = 3d872a7a-760e-400c-8b23-688d38390e81### A unique number indicates the version of this file.
### For example the last modified date of this file.
### This number must be less than 2^32.
SERIAL_NUMBER = 20040922ICON = /usr/share/scim/icons/liu5.png
### The default name of this table
NAME = Liu5### The local names of this table
NAME.zh_CN = 嘸蝦米
NAME.zh_TW = 嘸蝦米
NAME.zh_HK = 嘸蝦米### Supported languages of this table
LANGUAGES = zh_TW,zh_HK,zh_CN,zh_SG### Prompt string to be displayed in the status area.
STATUS_PROMPT = 中### If true then the first candidate phrase
### will be selected automatically during inputing.
AUTO_SELECT = FALSE### If true then a multi wildcard will be appended
### at the end of inputing string automatically.
AUTO_WILDCARD = TRUE### If true then the result string will be committed to client automatically.
### This should be used with AUTO_SELECT = TRUE.
AUTO_COMMIT = FALSE### If true then the inputed string will be automatically splitted during inputing.
AUTO_SPLIT = TRUE### If true then the phrases' frequencies will be adjusted dynamically.
DYNAMIC_ADJUST = TRUE### If true then the preedit area will be filled up by the current candidate phrase automatically.
AUTO_FILL = FALSE### If true then the lookup table will always be shown if there is any candidate phrase.
### Otherwise the lookup table won't be shown unless the user requires it by moving the preedit caret left.
ALWAYS_SHOW_LOOKUP = TRUE### Use full width punctuation by default
DEF_FULL_WIDTH_PUNCT = TRUE### Use full width letter by default
DEF_FULL_WIDTH_LETTER = FALSE### The maxmium length of a key.
MAX_KEY_LENGTH = 4### Valid input chars.
VALID_INPUT_CHARS = ,.'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[]### Single wildcard char, can have multiple chars.
SINGLE_WILDCARD_CHAR = ?### Multi wildcard char.
MULTI_WILDCARD_CHAR = *### The key strokes to split inputed string.
SPLIT_KEYS = space### The key strokes to commit the convert result to client.
COMMIT_KEYS = space### The key strokes to forward the inputed string to client.
FORWARD_KEYS = Return### The key strokes to select candidiate phrases.
SELECT_KEYS = space,v,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0### The key strokes to page up the lookup table.
PAGE_UP_KEYS = Page_Up### The key strokes to page down the lookup table.
PAGE_DOWN_KEYS = Page_Down,space
END_DEFINITION### Begin Table data.
BEGIN_TABLE - 這檔頭下面接的就是 無蝦米的字碼對照表 => a A ... 等.
- 對照表完後, 再補
- PS: UUID 如何產生可以參考原文, 主要是在設成預設輸入法才有差別, 其它可以不管, 照貼即可
- scim-make-table liu55.cin.utf8 -b -o liu.bin # 將 liu55.cin.utf8 轉成 scim 認得的 liu.bin 檔
- 然後可以 dpkg -L scim-tables-zh 查查你的圖檔, bin 檔都丟在哪邊, Debian/Ubuntu 都丟同一處, 所以只要執行如下即可.
sudo cp /usr/share/scim/icons/Array30.png /usr/share/scim/icons/liu5.png # 先用行列的圖頂一下, 找不到嘸蝦米的圖可以用- 將此圖另存新檔:
(感謝 pank 提供)
- sudo cp liu.bin /usr/share/scim/tables/Liu5.bin
- 再 restart xwindow 即可
上述比較複雜, 如果你已經有 liu.bin 檔, 可以直接下述步驟就可以了:
sudo cp /usr/share/scim/icons/Array30.png /usr/share/scim/icons/liu5.png (我找到嘸蝦米 的圖再給大家下載好了 XD)- 將此圖另存新檔:
- sudo cp ~/liu.bin /usr/share/scim/tables/Liu5.bin
- restart xwindow 就可以用了 🙂
很高興對您有幫助 🙂
Hello, 感謝囉!
這, 我本身是用一般注音輸入法, 沒在用無蝦米耶.. Orz...
但是我老婆說都用的很正常耶.... (這篇是寫給我老婆安裝用的.. XD)
是不是 cin 檔的問題???
這.... 我不知道怎麼解... 不好意思... Orz...
scim-make-table liu55.cin.utf8 -b -o liu.bin
通常這種問題, 應該是 cin 檔有問題, 您再找找其它 檔看看?
非常奇怪,不知道有沒有什麼黑暗的方法可以得到 bin 檔?
my email: [email protected]
# scim-make-table liu55.cin.utf8 -b -o liu.bin # 將 liu55.cin.utf8 轉成 scim 認得的 liu.bin 檔
就你寫的指令, 下完就轉好了呀.. XD
# scim-make-table liu55.cin.utf8 -b -o liu.bin
bash: scim-make-table: command not found
who can help me!!
[email protected]
CentOS 5.4也安裝成功了..感謝您
apt-get install scim-modules-table