要幫你的電腦(或 Server)選個吉利的好名字~ 有 RFC 的文件可以參考~
RFC-1178 如何幫你的電腦選擇名字
下述摘錄自此篇: RFC-1178 Choosing a Name for Your Computer
- Don't overload other terms already in common use.
- Don't choose a name after a project unique to that machine.
- Don't use your own name.
- Don't use long names.
- Avoid alternate spellings.
- Avoid domain names.
- Avoid domain-like names.
- Don't use antagonistic or otherwise embarrassing names.
- Don't use digits at the beginning of the name.
- Don't use non-alphanumeric characters in a name.
- Don't expect case to be preserved.
- Use words/names that are rarely used.
- Use theme names.
- Use real words.
- Don't worry about reusing someone else's hostname.
- There is always room for an exception.
这规矩太多了,我一般是 字母+序号 完事儿~
嗯, 這個主要是說要取自己電腦的名字~ 取個好名字很重要的阿~ 😛