Windows 10 宣佈將 Ubuntu Linux Userspace 包進來,可以直接使用 Bash shell,所以這些 apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, sed, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch 都可以使用,而且 apt-get 安裝的 redis 都可以正常跑。
- 註:上述是純粹文章寫得,我目前沒有 Windows 10 可以做測試
Windows 10 可以跑 Ubuntu Linux Bash shell
- BASH Running in Ubuntu on Windows - 官方原理架構說明
- Running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows! - 影片示範
Windows 10 的使用者,可以依照下述步驟啟用 Ubuntu Linux Bash:
- Windows 10 的使用者登入→ 開始
- 直接打入 bash
- 會打開 cmd console 的視窗,跑 Ubuntu 的 /bin/bash,裡面會是完整的 Ubuntu user space
- 所以 apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, sed, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch… 可以跑
- Ubuntu on Windows — The Ubuntu Userspace for Windows Developers - 下述摘錄自此篇:
- With full access to all of Ubuntu user space
- Yes, that means apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, sed, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch…
- And most of the tens of thousands binary packages available in the Ubuntu archives!
- “Right, so just Ubuntu running in a virtual machine?” Nope! This isn’t a virtual machine at all. There’s no Linux kernel booting in a VM under a hypervisor. It’s just the Ubuntu user space.
- Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10
- Ubuntu Linux Is Coming To Windows 10 — Microsoft Partners With Canonical
- Microsoft is bringing the Bash shell to Windows 10 | TechCrunch
- Bash 及 Linux 命令列工具將現身 Win10 ?