AWS Open Source Babelfish 專案,這個專案主要目的是讓原本建立在 SQL Server 的應用程式,可以簡單的轉換到 PostgreSQL 上。
Babelfish:讓 PostgreSQL 接受 SQL Server 語法的專案
AWS 開源 Babelfish 的新聞可見:Announcing Open Source Babelfish for PostgreSQL: An Accelerator for SQL Server Migration · Babelfish
Babelfish 主要針對 SQL、T-SQL 和 TDS 做 Extension,下述做點資料整理:
- Babelfish 官網:Babelfish:Babelfish for PostgreSQL accelerates your journey to migrate SQL Server applications to PostgreSQL
- GitHub - babelfish-for-postgresql/postgresql_mod_ifiedfor_babelfish
- babelfishpg_common: supports new datatypes found in T-SQL
- babelfishpg_tsql: supports the T-SQL language
- babelfishpg_tds: supports the TDS wire protocol