webp:Linux 如何將 png 轉 webp

此篇雖然講 png,不過其它格式(jpg) 也都是一樣語法~

webp:Linux 如何將 png 轉 webp

Linux webp 工具程式安裝

  • sudo apt install webp

webp 有安裝這些工具:

  • cwebp: compress an image file to a WebP file
  • dwebp: decompress a WebP file to an image file
  • gif2webp: Convert a GIF image to WebP
  • img2webp: create animated WebP file from a sequence of input images.
  • vwebp: decompress a WebP file and display it in a window
  • webpinfo: print out the chunk level structure of WebP files along with basic integrity checks.
  • webpmux: create animated WebP files from non-animated WebP images, extract frames from animated WebP images, and manage XMP/EXIF metadata and ICC profile.

主要會使用的是 cwebp,語法如下:

  • cwebp -q 90 source.png -o result.webp
  • q 是 quality,最佳是100,預設值是75

多個檔案(jpg)轉檔,可用下述 Shell

  • for i in *.jpg; do cwebp -q 90 "$i" -o "${i%.jpg}.webp"; done


作者: Tsung

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