DDoS 有哪些軟體可以用, 在此就不解釋了~
DDoS 的軟體工具清單
DDoS 的軟體工具清單 取自下述: (有將縮短網址轉換成實際網址)
DDoS 的軟體工具列表如下:
- DDoSim (Linux): Application Layer DDoS Simulator | StormSecurity
- Loris: Slowloris HTTP DoS
- Apachekiller: Apache killer - save as "whatever.pl", more info: Killapache: DDOS tool
- Killapache: DDOS tool - Half of the Internet is vulnerable now !
- pyloris: PyLoris - A protocol agnostic application layer denial of service attack. | instructions: pyloris tutorial
- hping : Hping3 security tool source code for Unix-like systems | Instructions: Qslowloris(Windows)
- Tor's Hammer: Tor's Hammer - Slow POST Denial Of Service Testing Tool
- 利用 Facebook 攻擊法: Using Facebook Notes to DDoS any website | A Programmer's Blog
哈哈, 這個太惡搞了.... 也是可以啦. XD
我來補上去~ 謝謝.