iPhone 上市都會有廣告語:
- 初代iPhone:蘋果重新定義了手機、這僅僅是個開始(Applereinvents the phone;This is only the beginning.)
- iPhone 3G:這就是你一直等待的 iPhone (The first phone to beat the iPhone;The iPhone you have been waiting for.)
- IPhone 3GS:迄今為止最快、最強的 iPhone (The fastest,most powerful iPhone yet.)
- iPhone 4:再一次,改變一切 (This changes everything.Again.)
- iPhone 4S:出色的iPhone,如今更出色 (The most amazing iPhone yet)
- iPhone 5: 有史以來改變最大的 iPhone (The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone)
- iPhone 5S:最超前、空前的手機 (Forward thinking)
- iPhone 5C:生來多彩 (For the colorful)
- iPhone6 / 6 Plus:比更大還更大 (Bigger than bigger)
- iPhone 6S / 6s Plus:唯一的不同,是處處不同 (The only thing that is changed is everything)
- iPhone SE:一小部的一大步 (A big step for small)
- iPhone7 / 7 Plus:This is 7 (This is 7.)
- iPhone8 / 8 Plus:新一代iPhone
- iPhone X:hello,未來
- iPhone XS / XS Max:大螢幕上見
- iPhone XR:哪一面都是亮點
- iPhone 11:一切都剛剛好
- iPhone 11 Pro / 11 Pro Max:Pro,如其名